0 Kiss Pies

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Okay, so this is at least a full month late. Remember how I posted about the Bazaar thing from my Indiana trip and I told you about the tiny pumpkin pies? Well we made these too, we called them kiss pies. They sold really well and were beyond delicious. The idea came from >HERE<. Here they are waiting to be put into the oven:
First you have to start with a small candy you like.. it can be any variety of Hershey kiss (which is why they're kiss pies) or any other small candy, we also used Dove chocolates and Andes mints. 
And of course you'll need pie crust, for this one yes.. we cheated and used store-bought frozen pie crust, but in our defense we were making like a bajillion things and it was simply easier this way.
Cut your crust into squares (which would've been easier with homemade pie crust)
Pull up the corners and pinch them together
And there you have it! Make sure the edges are all sealed up really well or they will leak in the oven
Here is one with an Andes mint
A little misshapen but still good, besides, the ugly ones always get sacrificed to the kitchen gods
This is a Dove dark chocolate raspberry thing
Brush them with egg wash so they brown up nicely and have a little gloss to them
And there you have the finished product, this one is an Andes mint. I apologize yet again for my camera's inability to see anything other than orange when it's in that kind of mood. 
There they are bagged up on the tray, they sold well at 50c each and they were wonderful, we had a few left over so we ate all of those.. We also made some with an almond paste inside and called them Amaretto they were pretty amazing and were very much like cookies in that they required a glass of milk, but in a very very good way =]

Happy Baking!
Enjoy! =]

2 Tiny Pumpkin Pie

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I'm so SORRY! I totally should've blogged these weeks ago, I'm so behind. Anyway..

Here they are =]
This is the recipe straight out of Betty Crocker
This is everything
Mix it up
Now mix it for real =]
Pour or spoon it into the crust (you can get a recipe for pie crust here)
Bake @375F for 40min
They will bubble then crack when they're ready
All done! Let them cool a bit
They settle back down
And they're delicious, this is Angie, check her out on YouTube
We sold them at a fall festival bazaar (I blogged that too)
These turned out pretty good and they sold just as well, be sure when you make them that you let them bake until the crust is cooked through. Great holiday project and Christmas gift idea or to send home with the family at Thanksgiving.

Happy Baking! 
Enjoy =]

0 Indiana

Monday, November 7, 2011
 Okay, first and foremost I had an absolute blast =] 
Now, I'll tell you about my trip to Indiana =]
Mom saw me off at the greyhound station
This is inside the Louisville bus station
This is outside the Louisville bus station
This is another bus parked near my bus.. I took this picture out the window, the other passengers thought I was surely a crazy person. 
Baking commenced immediately upon arrival =] these babies are called >Kiss Pies< and you can follow the link to find out more on them
This is Tugs McGraw, Angie's 20yr old recently-deaf jack russel 
These are >Tiny Pumpkin Pies
This is outside the bazaar where we sold our baked goods
The tiny pies and kiss pies were made to be sold at a bazaar, here they are on display, we made apple, peach and of course pumpkin
They were below the cookies and between the angel food cake and  Angie's homemade caramel corn
This is our booth, there was a bunch of stuff
See the blender? We also made pumpkin smoothies =] they were much better than they sound
Our sign
The kiss pies were bagged up over in that tray
Then we got in some barn time. This is Bogie, he's 20yrs old, I got him for Christmas when he was 6 and I was 8. He has been living with Angie since right around my junior/senior year of high school
An Indiana sunrise
Bogie again =]
Gary and I took Ziggy up to Purdue get his eye checked out (it was really only about a 20min drive)
It actually looks much better here 
He certainly got checked out, the blonde in the white coat is the vet teacher who specializes in large animal ophthalmology 
This is a crowd of vet and vet tech students gathered around Ziggy
We drove around Purdue a little bit, this is part of their agriculture department
They have cool sculptures outside the veterinary department
neat right?
This was a cool building on campus, I think its the student union
This is a statue of a horse made out of driftwood.. only it's made out of bronze.. I had to go up to it and touch it, I tapped my ring on it and sure enough, it's metal. 
Here is his info, he stands outside the arts building
This is Angie's fetal horse. 

One of her mares died a few years ago while she was <100 days pregnant so Angie took out the fetus and preserved it
Indiana sunset =]
The mighty Wabash
The Indianapolis Greyhound station
And here we are pulling out of Indi, past the Lucas Oil Stadium (across the street from Greyhound). Yes, there was internet on the bus, yay WiFi! Yes, I still managed to take every bit of a full week to get this together and get it posted. If you want to know more about Angie and what they do at the Sliding E, you can check her out in action >HERE< and if you just want another picture of how great my trip was... Here:

Enjoy =]