This is not about baking. This is about my life outside the kitchen *gasp!* yes, I have a life outside the kitchen. I did make cupcakes for this trip, but I did not photograph the process because I did not intend to blog them. The fact that it was also 1:30am may possibly be a contributing factor. Saturday 5/14/2011 we left for Hershey, PA for the Empire Future Pro Expo. It was an incredible weekend though somewhat exhausting. I have to say it's starting to wear on me now that I'm home and pinned down on the bed by my lead weight little dog. For event pictures see my Facebook album. If for some reason that link is a dud be it security or otherwise please let me know and I'll resolve the issue as soon as possible. When we first got there we were immediately given a Hershey bar. Yes free! But thats only the beginning of the freebie parade that was this past weekend. Lets just start here: 
This box has a selection of Wella color in various blonde shades as well as developer and a bunch of other stuff. FREE
This is a box of "trial size" Nioxin products that are actually about the size of my face wash bottle. FREE
This box has Sebastian (full size) shampoo and conditioner as well as a shine spray and t-shirt. FREE
Full size big sexy spray and play, quite possibly the best most amazing hairspray ever (opinion). FREE
Hank was un-enthused.
ISO full size curl styling product. FREE
Sample of Goldwell warm red shampoo
Sample of Goldwell warm blonde shampoo
Clic comb. FREE
Clic apron (sorry the mirror is really dirty.. that or its the camera lens) FREE
Samples of Goldwell's rich repair, color care and volume shampoo/conditioner
Samples of Sebastian shampoo/conditioner
Then we got to the hotel. A quick phone call to the front desk courtesy of Candice(for more on Candice >CLICK<): produced not only a bunch of extra pillows and more towels than we could ever need but also these:
Toiletries courtesy of Hershey Lodge (not sure you can read them but they're cocoa flavored.. er scented)
The following morning we found ourselves wandering the trade show floor. It's like a career/business fair on steroids.. because literally every booth applies to you, and you're not just there for the free pens..
which there was clearly not a shortage of.
The sexy hair booth was giving away not only powder play but also
Root pump, which is quite possibly my favorite and most used styling product when I'm behind the chair. Oh wait..
Yes. This amazing mirrored star key chain also came from the lovely people at sexy hair.
The people at sport clips had these out on their table, I thought they were pens.. they are in fact lint rollers. Yes lint rollers.
Master clips was passing out goody bags containing my absolute favorite type of clips
as well as hand mirrors.
The folks at smart style were providing combs and nail files
Empire was also passing out nail files, and they had chapstick.
The people at the Holiday hair booth had complete manicure sets to give out
Matrix was supplying de-angling combs
The lovely people at American Make-up had excellent chapstick
There were of course more shampoo/conditioner samples scattered throughout the expo.
But I did actually pay for a few things while I was there
I got an eyeshadow brush for $4
An aluminum spray bottle for $3.50
A set of shears and razor complete with case, and another picture for good measure
The shears were free with the Dream Shears membership which was $30 and the razor was an extra $15. I also paid 50c each for the rubber finger sqooshies in the shears, the razor came with one.
Oh, do those sound like amazing deals, Hank? I thought so too =]
Great, amazing weekend, wonderful classes excellent deals and new friends. I may blog the actual experience some other time but it is currently past my bedtime.