This weekend was Labor day so of course we had a cookout and I took the excuse to make something dessert-y. I found the recipe in a bunch of placed but I'll site these two since I basically combined them >Paula Deen< and the other is >HERE<
Here it is.. these are my mom's hands by the way

So here is everything that went into it.. and yes that is a giant easter-egg-shaped spatula.

Bust up the pretzels, I used sticks but the regular kind would work too

You can further smoosh them this way or you can leave them chunkier, I was seconds from pretzel dust and I think that may have been bad

Theres still chunks though. You'll need about a cup and a half to two cups

Mix in 3T of sugar

Melt down 1 1/4 C butter

Pour it in and mix well

Looks kinda gross but just go with it

You'll want a 9x13 baking dish.. I figured this would do but it turned out being too small. Bake 10mins @350F

Beat up two blocks of softened cream cheese

Add 3/4 to a cup of sugar

It should get creamy

Fold in 8oz of whipped cream

Oh yes.. =]

Spread evenly over the pretzel mush

Stick it in the fridge while you do this next part

Boil 2C of water

Pour in 6oz jello mix and stir well

Add 16oz frozen strawberries

Also add the small can of crushed pineapple
Mix it in good
Pour it over the chilled cream cheese stuff
Stick it back in the fridge for an hour or so and it's ready to go =]
Mmm... Okay I actually didn't really have any of this, mom says it wasn't bad at all but shes had better.. she's pretty brutal, she also says when she had it before it was mixed all together rather than layered. BUT; The Easons(of Sliding E Stables, sorry, no website to link to) came over for a visit and I made them have some, Angie said it was really good and she really like the whole salty vs sweet thing it had going on. So I suppose this means you'll have to make and eat it for yourself to really know how good it is. My input: USE A 9x13 DISH! Mine was smaller and I had an overflow issue, my counter is now stained red from the jello.
Happy Baking!
Enjoy! =]
Here it is.. these are my mom's hands by the way
So here is everything that went into it.. and yes that is a giant easter-egg-shaped spatula.
Bust up the pretzels, I used sticks but the regular kind would work too
You can further smoosh them this way or you can leave them chunkier, I was seconds from pretzel dust and I think that may have been bad
Theres still chunks though. You'll need about a cup and a half to two cups
Mix in 3T of sugar
Melt down 1 1/4 C butter
Pour it in and mix well
Looks kinda gross but just go with it
You'll want a 9x13 baking dish.. I figured this would do but it turned out being too small. Bake 10mins @350F
Beat up two blocks of softened cream cheese
Add 3/4 to a cup of sugar
It should get creamy
Fold in 8oz of whipped cream
Oh yes.. =]
Spread evenly over the pretzel mush
Stick it in the fridge while you do this next part
Boil 2C of water
Pour in 6oz jello mix and stir well
Add 16oz frozen strawberries
Also add the small can of crushed pineapple
Mix it in good
Pour it over the chilled cream cheese stuff
Stick it back in the fridge for an hour or so and it's ready to go =]
Mmm... Okay I actually didn't really have any of this, mom says it wasn't bad at all but shes had better.. she's pretty brutal, she also says when she had it before it was mixed all together rather than layered. BUT; The Easons(of Sliding E Stables, sorry, no website to link to) came over for a visit and I made them have some, Angie said it was really good and she really like the whole salty vs sweet thing it had going on. So I suppose this means you'll have to make and eat it for yourself to really know how good it is. My input: USE A 9x13 DISH! Mine was smaller and I had an overflow issue, my counter is now stained red from the jello.
Happy Baking!
Enjoy! =]
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